So, we got a newsletter in the mail yesterday from the adoption agency we've been looking into. *sigh* I’m feeling a bit discouraged. From January - October there have only been 9 placements, but there's 62 applications waiting. We're 1 in 62 people waiting to be parents.
I know we've done everything we could as far as starting a family on our own terms. But this waiting business is super tough.
Our journey began in January 2009 when we decided to stop preventing children and leave our family planning in God's hands. I never thought He'd have us wait this long. The first few months were, fine, just waiting from one month to the next with minimal disappointment. Around month 4-6 of nothing happening I started to get discouraged. I started to talk to people about us wanting to start a family, wondering if we would be 'one of those' who wants kids but can't have them.
In November 2009 we had our first appointment with an adoption agency to see if adoption was a direction we'd be willing to go in. I was very open to the adoption concept, though it took my husband a little longer to adjust to the idea. We went to more meetings and filled out forms, more forms, and more forms... We started budgeting for the processing fees for all these forms. It was a lot of work and very stressful emotionally.
In the midst of all that, I quit my full time job, working with people living with intellectual and physical disabilities, to start a home daycare in July 2009. It was quite a drastic change, especially as far as income is concerned. But working with children is something I've always enjoyed, and this seemed like a practical way to go. It has been challenging at times, having 4 children from 4 different family situations joined together at my house for 9 hours each day, but it has been so much fun too!
All our paperwork, including the home study, for our adoption application was fully processed in August 2010, which was also the month we got in for our first appointment with a fertility specialist. After a number of fairly uncomfortable tests, the doctor found that we had no medical reason as to why we were not conceiving. He offered medication that would increase our chances of conceiving, but after a month we decided, once again, to leave it in God's hands.
So that brings us to now!
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