Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V Day

So we decided to do our valentines day a day early.  It was great!

My day started with a sweet text message from my dude wishing me a good day, and reminding me to take out the recycling!  Lol!  Yup, that's love and real life!  I had a good day watching a bunch of great kidos 2-5 years old.  After work we changed and headed to the city for our date at the Keg.  The food was really good!  But I would still say that our friend E.A. makes better ribs!  Then we sought out an open gelato restaurant for dessert!  And that was our valentines day date!

As for our actual valentines day, Jared has the day off from fire training so we have a fun evening of grocery shopping, a hair cut, and studying planned!  Doesn't that sound like a party?!

Have I even mentioned yet on here that Jared  was accepted to volunteer with the Steinbach Fire Department?  Well he's got a bunch of tests and a year and a half of training ahead of him, but he's got determination and is studying hard so I have faith he'll get through all that no problem!

Today actually started off really good too.  The verse mentioned in the devotional I'm using really stood out to me.

Colossians 4:5-6

 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.  Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

That is my desire and my prayer.  I think this is a verse I'm going to write on my bathroom mirror so I can see it every morning as a reminder!

1 comment:

  1. LOve it - and love the pic way to go Brother you will BE a awesome firefighter and you have nephews who are so pumped that they have a uncle who is a fireman :)
