Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Discovering our 'Ferrari'

Well now that our baby news is out, I'm sure many of you are curious about how we found out and how long we've known...  I think this story is unique because of the journey preceding it!

First of all, I was late!  I know, sounds pretty predictable because you know the outcome of this story before I'm telling it, but stay with me.  My expected 'day of defeat' was August 1st.  Having been a number of days late in the past, just to be greeted by the 'dreaded red', I didn't think much of it.

We were on holidays at West Hawk Lake August 6-11.  We stayed in a tiny cabin at Tall Pine Lodge close to the lake.  We did a lot of hiking, some canoeing, swimming, fed some deer, enjoyed the jacuzzi and just enough relaxing!

Around Wednesday or Thursday I started to notice an uneasy stomach.  Amazingly, my first thought was not 'Maybe I'm pregnant!' seeing as I was 8-9 days late already.  No, what I thought was: 'I must have eaten something bad'.  

Reminder:  just a few months earlier, I'd been 15 days late and devastated by the dreaded red on day 16.

Saturday, 11 days late, still queasy...  I am DARING to hope, but still thinking I might just be sick.  I have one Dollarama pregnancy test in the drawer.  So I tell Jared: "Ok, tomorrow, I'm going to take that pregnancy test.  Here are your options for when I see the results:  1.  If I come back crying, I want you to say nothing, just hold me and let me cry.  2.  If I come back screaming, we're pregnant!  I'm going to want a big reaction!  Like: 'Woo!  That's awesome!' kind of reaction.  Ok?"  (Jared tends to be a little less expressive than me.  Not a bad thing, just different!)

So Sunday morning rolls around and I cannot sleep in.  I lay there awake... nervous...terrified...PRAYING!
I roll out of bed...
I walk to the bathroom...
Go fishing through the drawer for that crazy test...
I read the instructions carefully, I did't want to do it wrong (not much to it!)...
I followed the instructions EXACTLY, I even had a stopwatch going so I had the time perfect!
I prayed one more time...
I opened my eyes...
I opened them WIDER...
Then I found those instructions and read them a few more times!  I turned that test every direction to make sure I was reading this correctly!
YES!  2 beautiful bright lines told me I was pregnant!  I have never been so proud of my pee!
I went SCREAMING back to Jared and yelled: "Are you ready to be a Daddy?"
He said: "Yes!"  Enthusiastically enough for me!  WOOOO!  I was up for the day!  Not many words to my prayers now but THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

And then telling people!  Ooo that's fun!  Many people ask how I told our parents:
With Jared's parents, we pinned a little note to Abby's (our dog) shirt that said: 'Big sister, April 2013'  It felt like forever until they noticed!  I think Mom read it twice!  Then she said: "Jack, read Abby's shirt!"  And then we all erupted in excitement!  Lot's of: 'Wow!', hugging, and praising God!  Dad couldn't stop looking at me a smiling; Mom couldn't stop praising... It was great!  Even now that they've known a while I catch Dad looking at me and just smiling!

With my parents we'd planned a long time ago what we'd do.  My dad has been fasting from pop for the last 2 1/2 years or so, until we would conceive (or receive through adoption) a baby.  So I had a can of Pepsi in my purse.  We sat down and just chatted a bit.  Then Abby started walking between me and my Dad, back and forth.  I think she wanted help getting up on the couch but I used that opportunity to ask her: 'Did you want me to give this to Grandpa?' taking the Pepsi out of my purse and handing it to my Dad.  I had taped a little note to it from the baby to be cute, but the can was all he needed to see!  My Mom nearly stole all the air in the room (gasping) as she lifted off the couch and began hugging us!  The biggest smile on my dad's face as he read the note and came for hugs!

Telling everyone has been a LOT of fun!  Many awesome reactions and SO many hugs!  I'm a huggy person so I love that! I wish I could post all your reactions on here, but that would take FOREVER!  I have enjoyed telling each of you and it's just as exciting each time I tell it!  Thank you for all your hugs, emails, comments and praises to God with us!

Thank you all so much for all your encouragement, prayers and support!  Please stick with us on this new journey toward parent hood!  We'll keep you posted!


  1. Jared and Jaymi,
    So happy for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS:)
    Arnold & Cheryl

  2. WOW, JAYMI!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!! I laughed aloud when I read how you told your husband to respond - that is EXACTLY the way my hubby is, not nearly as expressive as me :D

  3. This made me laugh and cry. I have tears rolling down my cheeks right now.
    So amazing!

  4. So excited! I still get teary eyed reading this.
