Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What God Can Do

Wow!  I just love getting back into the groove of things!  We had our last weekend holiday of the summer season as well as the last marathon.  Both went well!  But now we’re getting down to business.
Philippians 1:9 – ‘I pray that your love will overflow more and more and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding”
It’s really true that to grow in your faith you need to fellowship with other believers.  We’ve had our first few meetings now already with our children’s ministry groups and it was SO great to reconnect with them!  I am SO excited to get to know my new groups of children.  I have already met my Wednesday night group and we are going to have a great year together!  I can tell already.  I feel so much better prepared this year as opposed to previous years when I was still getting a feel for things.  God has just kept showing himself to me this summer and over the last 2 years or so.  Want an example?
One Sunday I was sitting in the main service close to the front with my parents.  This is abnormal for us as we usually sit in the simulcast (overflow area sort of).  Anyway, I was just settling in to my seat when I noticed the girl sitting in the row in front of us.  She looked very familiar, but the person I thought it looked like was not someone I thought would be in church.  At the end of the service she turned to get her things and I could see her whole face.  It was AWESOME!  I went to school with S.R. from K-9 but hadn’t seen her in for sure 5/6 years.  And there she was sitting in front of me! 
From that day we’ve kept in contact.  Though S.R. has not been on the ‘church scene’ as long as I have, I have learnt a lot from her over the summer.  She’s asked me questions, shared her own ‘God moment’ stories and it’s just incredible how she’s growing in her faith!  Her growth inspires me to dig deeper, read more, do more and be better!
Want one more example?
I do childcare at home and so often I feel like I’m not doing enough to teach these children about Jesus.  I often tell myself that they are young and just don’t understand quite yet.  But today we were doing our daily bible story and it was where Jesus says ‘Let the little children come to me and do not stop them.’  One of the girls that I’ve been watching for a while starting talking about the things she knew about Jesus and Heaven.  I explained to her about what we need to do to be able to get to Heaven and see Jesus and hug him and ask him all the questions she wanted to ask (‘How did God make eyes?’...).  I asked her if she wanted to do that, and she said yes!  WOOO!  So I prayed with her saying sorry to Jesus for how we do bad things sometimes, that we really want to be more like him and be able to be with him in Heaven...  It was AWESOME.  Then we read a book about Heaven which got her even more excited!  Now I’m excited too!
I could go on and on about all these amazing things God has been doing in my life butI really need to go to bed.

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